The digital whiteboard was created to showcase my answers to common “whiteboard questions” that are asked in interviews. It was built with the React ecosystem, and is hosted on Heroku. New questions are being added regularly, so check back soon if you don’t see one you’re looking for, or send me an email and I’ll add it as soon as I can.
Demo SourceThe URL shortener can take a url and return an abbreviated link that will redirect to the original URL. It accomplishes this by storing the original URL and the abbreviation as a row in a PostgeSQL table, and referencing that row when a user navigates to the abbreviated URL. The app itself utilizes a Node backend with Express as a framework. It is hosted on Heroku.
Demo SourceThe website you're on right now! I built to be a hub for my internet presence, allowing me to showcase projects I’ve worked on, and give people an easy way to contact me. It’s a static site, using only HTML, CSS, and Javascript, no third party frameworks or libraries were used. It’s currently hosted through Amazons Web Services in an S3 bucket, with Route 53 handling DNS. I used CloudFront to enable HTTPS, reduce load time, and to define content negotiation based on HTTP request headers.
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