About Me

The internet stands as one of the greatest inventions in human history, despite being only about 30 years old. Its sheer potential for change, both good and bad, remains unmatched. The internet can be a tool for empowerment or oppression, it can be used to spark enlightenment or spread ignorance. I relish being in a position where I can use the knowledge and skills I’ve cultivated to reach out and influence people, to brighten their day, or lighten their burdens. I can’t imagine a better job.

As developers, we are connected to everything that we create, and by extension, the consequences of those creations. Ergo, I want my software to benefit the people who use it. It’s easy to be attracted to the big, bold causes, and forget that “boring” software is used by people with private lives and experiences as rich as mine. Even the most mundane, generic piece of software can improve someone’s life.

My name is Jake Rider, and I’m a web developer. I like full stack development for the same reason I like clockwork. Thinking about how the different pieces of a system connect together is something I thoroughly enjoy. Having a big picture idea of what’s going on also makes it easier to implement the details of a piece of software. After all, everything fits into a larger context. From a technical perspective, I focus on JavaScript and technologies like React or Node. However, I’m language and framework agnostic.

I’d rather pick the right tool for a job than fit a job to a tool. This fact, coupled with my voracious curiosity, means I am eager to learn any new skills that I can. Having opportunities to learn, independently and from coworkers or mentors, is something very important to me. I can’t imagine ever being at a point in time where I’d be “done” learning, in this industry or otherwise. I want to grow, adapt, and change, not cling to one skill set the rest of my career. I’ll seize on any opportunities I can to interact with clients, contribute to planning, or to grow my skills as a leader.

I care deeply about how my code impacts people. That attitude fuels the rigorous empathy I apply to everything I do. My passion and desire to improve lives is woven into every line of code I write, every interaction with my coworkers, and indeed, every decision I make.








Amazon Web Services

Industry Knowledge
